How Massage Therapy can help you

You may be familiar with Massage Therapy for relaxation. Whether you get massage once a year when you receive a gift card or are a monthly client, the widespread perception of Massage Therapy is as a relaxation tool.

At Modern Manual Therapy of Shrewsbury, we agree that relaxation is a valuable benefit of our industry. We also recognize the lack of knowledge about the therapeutic benefits massage can provide and the science to back it up.

We help our clients with more than just tension - we help clients feel better in their bodies. Our techniques are targeted toward the nervous system, meaning we spent years studying how the nervous system governs our bodies so we can find effective ways to encourage change. This means we can help with:

  • Stress

  • Pain

  • Lack of Mobility

  • Athletic Performance

  • Injury Recovery

We focus on a deep anatomical understanding of the body to inform our work. Your therapist will be knowledgable, kind, compassionate, and ask questions to find out more about your pain, lifestyles, and goals.

We look forward to showing you the MMT Shrewsbury difference!

- Jessica High, LMT, RYT and Robert Fusco, LMT, MMP, CPT


Neck Pain and Massage